DeepMind Breaks 50-Year-old Math Record Using AI
Check Also: Meta Announces First AI-Speech Translator For Unwritten Language Graphics processing units (GPUs) are particularly good at performing matrix multiplication due to their massively parallel nature. They can dice a big matrix math problem into many pieces and attack parts of it simultaneously with a special algorithm. In 1969, a German mathematician named Volker Strassen discovered the previous-best algorithm for multiplying 4×4 matrices. His algorithm reduces the number of steps necessary to perform a matrix calculation. For example, multiplying two 4×4 matrices together using a traditional method would take 64 multiplications. However, Strassen’s algorithm can perform the same calculation in 49 multiplications. Using a neural network called AlphaTensor, DeepMind discovered a way to reduce that count to 47 multiplications. Its researchers published a paper about the achievement in Nature last week. You can check out more about it by clicking here. See Also: Adobe’s Upcoming AI Project Will take Image Compositing to a Next Level: Report